green body with yellow around the propellers, vintage military airplane flying over lake

Historic P-38 Tangerine Visit to Northland

Richard I. Bong Veterans Historical Center is proud to bring the Erickson Collection historic P-38, Tangerine, piloted by historian Doug Griffin, to visit the Northland. Similar to our Ace of Aces, R.I. Bong’s P-38 the Marge, Tangerine is a feast for the eyes.

Please join us as we greet the first P-38 to enter Duluth/Superior airspace in 30 plus years. The rare P-38 Tangerine will be landing at Superior Airport, weather permitting, Thursday, May 16, 2024 from 1-3:00PM.
There will be brief comments and photo opportunities with Tangerine and pilot Doug Griffin for those attending.

WHEN: MAY 16, 2024 • 1:00 – 3:00 PM

WHERE: Commemorative Air Force • Lake Superior Squadron
4804 Hammond Avenue, Superior, WI 54880